The Mummy (1999)
One of my all-time favorite films since I was a kid. The film is not only a game-changer for the monster films (of which I ADORE), but is so, so well done in the eyes of a filmmaker. Beautifully acted, amazing cinematography, memorable music, everything is just perfect.
It is one I have to watch at least twice a year; on my birthday and spooky season!

Being a big movie buff, gamer and lover of the written word, I've got a lot of favorites!
Here lies honored guests of which fueled my dream of becoming a writer and filmmaker

Final Fantasy VII (1997)
It doesn't matter what form of media it's on; I will eat it right up.
My absolute favorite game ever, let alone the series, I have been in love with the characters, the storyline, the lore, the gameplay, everything, since forever.
The story of Cloud and his underdog group of friends has made such an impact on me and truly inspired the flair I have of making troubled, but totally hardcore characters in my own works.
The game itself has been such a positive force for thousands of gamers that it's no wonder it has stood the test of time.

Batman (franchise)
Anyone who knows me knows I love Batman.
But it's not just the character; it's the storyline, the characters (hero and villain), Gotham City and the overall dark atmosphere of the franchise that delights my strange little heart. You will always catch me at every new Batman film, no matter who's playing him. His emotional journey as an orphan and his fiery comeback against evil, to protect the city everyone else believes is dying, is one that has made a clear impact on my writing and my own struggles.
I will never tire of this incredible hero.

Twilight Zone (1959)
I didn't actually get into this until I was in my late teens.
But upon doing so, on a Syfy marathon I'll never forget, I instantly fell in love. I'm surprisingly not a big TV series fan (for specific reasons), but Twilight Zone is a definite exception. The usage of different characters for each episode, the supernatural/alien plotlines and superb morals to be learned in the end are what makes the show such a timeless masterpiece.
Rod Serling is a major hero to the artist community and for very good reason.

Florence + the Machine
An absolute queen.
I like a lot of music, a lot of bands, but Florence?
She has my heart. F+TM is my favorite band of all time; the music interrupts life, love, anger, sorrow, nature and everything in between into something other-worldly.
Listening to her always leaves me with an experience that makes me feel powerful, fueling me with creative juices in the midst of my writing.
She has the voice of an angel, with a heart as dark as the galaxy.
I am fully convinced she is an actual fairy.
Thank you for getting me through the ups and downs of being a human.

Peter Pan (novel)
Fairytales have always captivated me. Stories from the Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Anderson, etc., inspired so much of my love for story-telling and fantasy and the importance of incorporating morals into the journey.
Peter Pan is no exception. By far the chief of my favorite fantasy books, Peter Pan has so many things to adore. Mischievous youths, pirates, fairies, Victorian London and the never-ending presence of eternal youth no matter what adaption you're given. It's such a timeless, beautiful tale. One crucial for every child to be introduced to.
MirrorMask (2005)
I'm a simple girl. I love cute, I love creepy, I love dark, I love heartwarming. My tastes are indecisive. And MirrorMask is one of those dark, eerie tales that I just am in ridiculous love with. A strange, beautiful tale about a girl, filled with regret from saying awful things to her mother before she was diagnosed with cancer. And before she knows it, she enters a fantastical dream world full of surreal characters, realizing the world is an actual place created by her mind. What she doesn't realize is this place is meant to teach her a valuable lesson on just how important her mother is to her and to be grateful for the life she has. It's a terrific film that always inspires me creatively every time I watch it.
Alice in Wonderland (novel)
One of the greatest and most influential novels of all-time, this is a staple for every childhood, especially hopeless dreamers like me. Like Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland is one I must indulge no matter how many adaptions they make. One could say the story itself is an interpretation of mental health and that honestly makes the story even better. After all, any great writer wouldn't be any kind of great without a touch of madness.

Mulan (1998)
Words can't describe how much I adore Mulan.
She was the character that helped me realize I was a tomboy and that wasn't a bad thing. She taught me that it's okay to be a girl, but not a stereotypical version of a girl. She taught me to be a fighter, to be strong, to be loyal, and to be selfless when it comes to your loved ones. She was a hero to baby me and a hero to adult me. When all the other girls claimed Cinderella, Ariel or Belle as their Disney princess, Mulan served as mine. Not to mention her movie was one of the greatest pieces of cinema ever. Down to the music, the storyline, the characters, the direction, just everything. Forever an icon.